You Come, You Drink, You Talk
Join the first Welcome Party in our history that is "Public Accessible," and have fun with the speakers and your beloved FLOSS community members!
限額 70 位!
What will we have at the party?
- 當日精選的 MIT 掌門精釀啤酒 (也有無酒精飲料)
Beer! For people who don't like alcohol, the bar also provides soft drinks. - 精緻下酒菜
Snacks - 200 坪空中花園派對,信義區繁華夜景尊榮享受 + 超級適合閒聊的氣氛
Awesome view -- believe me, just check the photos from Google Maps. - 最重要的是:熱愛開源的社群成員,以及今年大會的講者群!
Lots of FLOSS folks!
- 入場券含一杯飲料,可另外加購飲料券。
Admission ticket include a cup of drink - 本活動頁所列的「飲料券」為加購之用,請記得要有「入場券」才能入場唷!(飲料券亦可於會場購買)
You will need the Admission Ticket before using the drink coupon. (You can also buy drink tickets at the party) - 會場食物為下酒菜,數量有限,建議吃過正餐再來!
Please have your dinner before the party - 本活動不接受退票,如果您購票後不幸無法參加,建議將票券讓給可以參加的朋友
The tickets are not refundable. - 講者跟 Community Rooms 的協調人請不需買票:您將可以免費入場並獲贈一張飲料券。
Speakers / Community Room Coordinators: check your inbox in few days for free tickets ;)
Lightning talk!
重要性可比新八眼鏡的 COSCUP 閃電秀也將於現場隆重登場!歡迎有興趣報名閃電小講的夥伴提前準備題目前來報名,題目請寄:lilyhsu@coscup.org
We will have lightning talk sessions at the party so you can share things and ideas with people there! (Please send your topic to lilyshu@coscup.org, 3-5 minutes per slot.)